24/7 PRAYER FOR JAPAN 日本のための祈りをつなげよう

Prayer Guide – Week 33 (Aug 19-25)

Posted on August 17, 2024
This week as we pray revival prayer for Japan we ask you to pray 6 key prayer issues facing the church in Japan:

Natural disasters in Japan

Tension was heightened recently when a huge earthquake alert was issued by the government as part of the Nankai Trough Earthquake Temporary Information.
The alert has already been lifted, but it is said that a super earthquake could occur at any time.
Although the relief efforts in East Japan, Kumamoto, Noto and other areas of the earthquake not only built bridges with the local communities but also brought Christian churches together, the recovery efforts are still in the middle of the road and many people are still experiencing difficulties in their lives and are in deep sorrow and pain.

Japan is also said to be a typhoon archipelago, with a series of large typhoons hitting the country the other day.
Due to global warming, temperatures are getting higher every year and the high humidity in summer in Japan has led to some people losing their lives due to heat stroke.

Hopefully, the people living in Japan will be protected from various natural disasters.
Pray also that Christians and churches in Japan will pray, prepare and act appropriately on a daily basis.
Pray that through God's supernatural intervention, the Lord will manifest His special works even in this geographical situation.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
Psalm 46:1-3.

May the Lord strengthen your heart and make you a blessing to Japan and all nations through prayer.

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